Book Review by Rating : 5 stars

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You are currently viewing books rated 5 star books

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-197
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
Martian War-by Kevin J. Anderson cover pic Martian War
by Kevin J. Anderson
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Science Fiction 5 star books
Master of the White Worms-by Paul Kane cover pic Master of the White Worms
by Paul Kane
Reviewed by Benjamin Boulden
Mixed Genre Collection 5 star books
Mendoza in Hollywood-by Kage Baker cover pic Mendoza in Hollywood
by Kage Baker
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Science Fiction 5 star books
Midnight Rain-by James Newman cover pic Midnight Rain
by James Newman
Reviewed by David L. Felts
Dark Fantasy 5 star books
Naked Lunch-by William S. Burroughs cover pic Naked Lunch
by William S. Burroughs
Reviewed by Paul Kane
Fantasy 5 star books
Nation-by Terry Pratchett cover pic Nation
by Terry Pratchett
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Fantasy 5 star books
Necessity-by Jo Walton cover pic Necessity
by Jo Walton
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Science Fiction 5 star books
Nod-by Adrian Barnes cover pic Nod
by Adrian Barnes
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Horror 5 star books
Occupied Earth-edited by Richard Brewer, Gary Philips cover pic Occupied Earth
edited by Richard Brewer, Gary Philips
Reviewed by David L. Felts
Science Fiction Anthology 5 star books
One Salt Sea-by Seanan McGuire cover pic One Salt Sea
by Seanan McGuire
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Fantasy 5 star books
Perdido Street Station-by China Mieville cover pic Perdido Street Station
by China Mieville
Reviewed by Lalith Vipulananthan
Fantasy 5 star books
Permeable Borders-by Nina Kiriki Hoffman cover pic Permeable Borders
by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Reviewed by Bill Johnson
Fantasy Anthology 5 star books
perVERSEities-by Kurt Newton cover pic perVERSEities
by Kurt Newton
Reviewed by Phillip A. Ellis
Poetry 5 star books
Plague World-by Dana Fredsti cover pic Plague World
by Dana Fredsti
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Zombies 5 star books
Polaris-by Jack McDevitt cover pic Polaris
by Jack McDevitt
Reviewed by S. Fazekas
Science Fiction 5 star books
Prisoner of the Horned Helmet-by James R. Silke, James R. Silke cover pic Prisoner of the Horned Helmet
by James R. Silke, James R. Silke
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Fantasy 5 star books
Pseudo-City-by D. Harlan Wilson cover pic Pseudo-City
by D. Harlan Wilson
Reviewed by Susie Hawes
Mixed Genre Anthology 5 star books
Red Seas Under Red Skies-by Scott Lynch cover pic Red Seas Under Red Skies
by Scott Lynch
Reviewed by Paul Weiss
Fantasy 5 star books
RedDevil 4-by Eric C. Leuthardt cover pic RedDevil 4
by Eric C. Leuthardt
Reviewed by Marcha Fox
Science Fiction 5 star books
Rogue Genesis-by Ceri London cover pic Rogue Genesis
by Ceri London
Reviewed by Marcha Fox
Science Fiction 5 star books
Rook Song-by Naomi Foyle cover pic Rook Song
by Naomi Foyle
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Fantasy 5 star books
Secret Story-by Ramsey Campbell cover pic Secret Story
by Ramsey Campbell
Reviewed by Phillip A. Ellis
Horror 5 star books
Serenity Lost-by Amy Romine cover pic Serenity Lost
by Amy Romine
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Thriller/Suspense 5 star books
Shore of Women-by Pamela Sargent cover pic Shore of Women
by Pamela Sargent
Reviewed by Phillip A. Ellis
Science Fiction 5 star books
Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia-by Cindy Pon cover pic Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia
by Cindy Pon
Reviewed by Ty Johnston
Fantasy 5 star books

You are looking at books rated 5 star books
1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-197