Book Review by Rating : 1.5 stars

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You are currently viewing books rated 1.5 star books

1-25 | 26-31
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
The Tower at Moorkai-by H. David Blalock cover pic The Tower at Moorkai
by H. David Blalock
Reviewed by David Hart
Fantasy 1.5 star books
The Troika-by Stepan Chapman cover pic The Troika
by Stepan Chapman
Reviewed by Lisa DuMond
Fantasy 1.5 star books
Trample an Empire Down-by Mack Reynolds cover pic Trample an Empire Down
by Mack Reynolds
Reviewed by David Hart
Science Fiction 1.5 star books
Unspeakable-by Graham Masterson cover pic Unspeakable
by Graham Masterson
Reviewed by Benjamin Boulden
Horror 1.5 star books
Wheels of Fire-by Mercedes Lackey, Mercedes Lackey cover pic Wheels of Fire
by Mercedes Lackey, Mercedes Lackey
Reviewed by David Hart
Modern/Urban Fantasy 1.5 star books
Years of Rice and Salt-by Kim Stanley Robinson cover pic Years of Rice and Salt
by Kim Stanley Robinson
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Alternate History 1.5 star books

You are looking at books rated 1.5 star books
1-25 | 26-31