Book Review by Rating : 2 stars

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1-25 | 26-50 | 51-72
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
The Fifth Head of Cerberus-by Gene Wolfe cover pic The Fifth Head of Cerberus
by Gene Wolfe
Reviewed by Paul S. Jenkins
Mixed Genre Anthology 2 star books
The Greenhouse Conspiracy-by John W. Dowdee cover pic The Greenhouse Conspiracy
by John W. Dowdee
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Science Fiction 2 star books
The Jericho Iteration -by Allen Steele cover pic The Jericho Iteration
by Allen Steele
Reviewed by David L. Felts
Science Fiction 2 star books
The Knight-by Gene Wolfe cover pic The Knight
by Gene Wolfe
Reviewed by Pete S. Allen
Fantasy 2 star books
The Loose End of the Rainbow-by D. B. Pacini cover pic The Loose End of the Rainbow
by D. B. Pacini
Reviewed by Kelly A. Harmon
Fantasy 2 star books
The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father-by Jeff Mariotte cover pic The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father
by Jeff Mariotte
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Star Trek 2 star books
The Meteth Chronicles: Killing Year Zero-by Rob Frisbee cover pic The Meteth Chronicles: Killing Year Zero
by Rob Frisbee
Reviewed by Paul Goat Allen
Dark Fantasy 2 star books
The Rose of Heaven-by Michael Hemmingson cover pic The Rose of Heaven
by Michael Hemmingson
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Fantasy 2 star books
The Two Swords-by R. A. Salvatore cover pic The Two Swords
by R. A. Salvatore
Reviewed by Mark Deniz
Fantasy 2 star books
The Winter Queen-by Devin Cary cover pic The Winter Queen
by Devin Cary
Reviewed by Aaron M. Renn
Fantasy 2 star books
TNG: Do Comets Dream?-by S. P. Somtow cover pic TNG: Do Comets Dream?
by S. P. Somtow
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 2 star books
Tonton Macoute-by William Allan cover pic Tonton Macoute
by William Allan
Reviewed by James Michael White
Horror 2 star books
TOS: The Case of the Colonist's Corpse-by Bob Ingersoll, Bob Ingersoll cover pic TOS: The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
by Bob Ingersoll, Bob Ingersoll
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 2 star books
Trilobites!-by Kenneth Gass cover pic Trilobites!
by Kenneth Gass
Reviewed by C. Dennis Moore
Horror 2 star books
Triplanetary-by E. E. Smith cover pic Triplanetary
by E. E. Smith
Reviewed by Paul Weiss
Science Fiction 2 star books
Turning Point-by Lisanne Norman cover pic Turning Point
by Lisanne Norman
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Science Fiction 2 star books
Upon the Shoulders of Vengeance-by James McCann cover pic Upon the Shoulders of Vengeance
by James McCann
Reviewed by C. Dennis Moore
Fantasy 2 star books
Vulcan's Heart-by Josepha Sherman, Josepha Sherman cover pic Vulcan's Heart
by Josepha Sherman, Josepha Sherman
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 2 star books
When The Wind Blows-by James Patterson cover pic When The Wind Blows
by James Patterson
Reviewed by James Michael White
Science Fiction 2 star books
White Tribe-by Gene O'Neill cover pic White Tribe
by Gene O'Neill
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Horror 2 star books
Winter Warriors-by David Gemmell cover pic Winter Warriors
by David Gemmell
Reviewed by Fraser Ronald
Fantasy 2 star books
Wither's Legacy-by John Passarella cover pic Wither's Legacy
by John Passarella
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Horror 2 star books

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1-25 | 26-50 | 51-72