Book Review by Rating : 4 stars

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You are currently viewing books rated 4 star books

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | 501-525 | 526-533
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
The Yiddish Policemen's Union-by Michael Chabon cover pic The Yiddish Policemen's Union
by Michael Chabon
Reviewed by Alex Telander
Alternate History 4 star books
The Zero Stone-by Andre Norton cover pic The Zero Stone
by Andre Norton
Reviewed by Edward F. McKeown
Science Fiction 4 star books
Thief's Covenant-by Ari Marmell cover pic Thief's Covenant
by Ari Marmell
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
YA Fantasy 4 star books
Thirteen-by Richard K. Morgan cover pic Thirteen
by Richard K. Morgan
Reviewed by Pete S. Allen
Science Fiction 4 star books
Thirteen-by Richard K. Morgan cover pic Thirteen
by Richard K. Morgan
Reviewed by Pete S. Allen
Science Fiction 4 star books
Thirteen Specimens-by Jeffrey Thomas cover pic Thirteen Specimens
by Jeffrey Thomas
Reviewed by Ray Wallace
Horror Anthology 4 star books
Those Who Hunt the Night-by Barbara Hambly cover pic Those Who Hunt the Night
by Barbara Hambly
Reviewed by Pete S. Allen
Horror 4 star books
Those Who Walk in Darkness-by John Ridley cover pic Those Who Walk in Darkness
by John Ridley
Reviewed by Fraser Ronald
Science Fiction 4 star books
Thrones and Bones, Frostborn-by Lou Anders cover pic Thrones and Bones, Frostborn
by Lou Anders
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
YA Fantasy 4 star books
Thunder Road-by Tamara Thorne cover pic Thunder Road
by Tamara Thorne
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Horror 4 star books
TNG: A Time to Be Born-by John Vornholt cover pic TNG: A Time to Be Born
by John Vornholt
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 4 star books
TNG: A Time to Heal-by David Mack cover pic TNG: A Time to Heal
by David Mack
Reviewed by Susie Hawes
Star Trek 4 star books
TNG: A Time to Sow-by Dayton Ward, Dayton Ward cover pic TNG: A Time to Sow
by Dayton Ward, Dayton Ward
Reviewed by Jason Garza
Star Trek 4 star books
TNG: Titan 1 - Taking Wing-by Michael A. Martin, Michael A. Martin cover pic TNG: Titan 1 - Taking Wing
by Michael A. Martin, Michael A. Martin
Reviewed by Jason Garza
Star Trek 4 star books
TNG: Titan 2 - The Red King-by Michael A. Martin, Michael A. Martin cover pic TNG: Titan 2 - The Red King
by Michael A. Martin, Michael A. Martin
Reviewed by Jason Garza
Star Trek 4 star books
TNG: Titan 3 - Orion's Hounds-by Christopher L. Bennett cover pic TNG: Titan 3 - Orion's Hounds
by Christopher L. Bennett
Reviewed by Jason Garza
Star Trek 4 star books
Too Soon Dead-by Michcael Kurland cover pic Too Soon Dead
by Michcael Kurland
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Alternate History 4 star books
TOS: Constellations-edited by Marco Palmieri cover pic TOS: Constellations
edited by Marco Palmieri
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 4 star books
TOS: Crucible: Spock-The Fire and the Rose-by David R. George cover pic TOS: Crucible: Spock-The Fire and the Rose
by David R. George
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 4 star books
Touch the Dark-by Karen Chance cover pic Touch the Dark
by Karen Chance
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Paranormal/Supernatural 4 star books
Triangulation: Dark Glass-edited by Pete Butler cover pic Triangulation: Dark Glass
edited by Pete Butler
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Mixed Genre Anthology 4 star books
Tricked-by Kevin Hearne cover pic Tricked
by Kevin Hearne
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Modern/Urban Fantasy 4 star books
Trinity Rising – Book 2 of the Wild Hunt-by Elspeth Cooper cover pic Trinity Rising – Book 2 of the Wild Hunt
by Elspeth Cooper
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Fantasy 4 star books
Tripping to Somewhere-by Kristopher Reisz cover pic Tripping to Somewhere
by Kristopher Reisz
Reviewed by C. Dennis Moore
YA Fantasy 4 star books
Tritcheon Hash-by Sue Lange cover pic Tritcheon Hash
by Sue Lange
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Science Fiction 4 star books

You are looking at books rated 4 star books
1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | 501-525 | 526-533