Book Review by Rating : 3 stars

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You are currently viewing books rated 3 star books

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-277
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
Riverwatch-by Joseph Nassise cover pic Riverwatch
by Joseph Nassise
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Horror 3 star books
Rosa and the Veil of Gold-by Kim Wilkins cover pic Rosa and the Veil of Gold
by Kim Wilkins
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Fantasy 3 star books
Seeing Redd-by Frank Beddor cover pic Seeing Redd
by Frank Beddor
Reviewed by Jennifer Hairfield
YA Fantasy 3 star books
Seven Touches of Music-by Zoran Zivkovic cover pic Seven Touches of Music
by Zoran Zivkovic
Reviewed by Howard von Darkmoor
Fantasy 3 star books
Signature Edition: Pantheon-by Michael Jan Friedman cover pic Signature Edition: Pantheon
by Michael Jan Friedman
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 3 star books
Signature Edition: The Q Continuum-by Greg Cox cover pic Signature Edition: The Q Continuum
by Greg Cox
Reviewed by Fraser Ronald
Star Trek 3 star books
Silence-by Michelle Sagara cover pic Silence
by Michelle Sagara
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Modern/Urban Fantasy 3 star books
Six with Flinteye-by Sean T.M. Stiennon cover pic Six with Flinteye
by Sean T.M. Stiennon
Reviewed by Benjamin Boulden
Science Fiction Anthology 3 star books
Sleep Disorder-by Jack Ketchum, Jack Ketchum cover pic Sleep Disorder
by Jack Ketchum, Jack Ketchum
Reviewed by Ray Wallace
Horror Anthology 3 star books
Soul Continuum-by Simon West-Bulford cover pic Soul Continuum
by Simon West-Bulford
Reviewed by Michael D. Griffiths
Science Fiction 3 star books
Spirit Walk: Enemy of My Enemy-by Christie Golden cover pic Spirit Walk: Enemy of My Enemy
by Christie Golden
Reviewed by Heather Hunt
Star Trek 3 star books
Spirit Walk: Old Wounds-by Christie Golden cover pic Spirit Walk: Old Wounds
by Christie Golden
Reviewed by Heather Hunt
Star Trek 3 star books
Stargazer: Enigma-by Michael Jan Friedman cover pic Stargazer: Enigma
by Michael Jan Friedman
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 3 star books
Strange New Worlds X-edited by Dean Wesley Smith cover pic Strange New Worlds X
edited by Dean Wesley Smith
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 3 star books
Strange Secrets-by Nick Redfern, Nick Redfern cover pic Strange Secrets
by Nick Redfern, Nick Redfern
Reviewed by Steven Sawicki
Science Fiction 3 star books
String Theory: Fusion-by Kirsten Beyer cover pic String Theory: Fusion
by Kirsten Beyer
Reviewed by Heather Hunt
Star Trek 3 star books
Struck-by Jennifer Bosworth cover pic Struck
by Jennifer Bosworth
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Dark Fantasy 3 star books
Struwwelpeter-by Heinrich Hoffmann cover pic Struwwelpeter
by Heinrich Hoffmann
Reviewed by Louis Maistros
Horror Anthology 3 star books
Superman: The Neverending Battle-by Roger Stern cover pic Superman: The Neverending Battle
by Roger Stern
Reviewed by C. Dennis Moore
Superhero 3 star books
Swallowing Darkness-by Laurell K. Hamilton cover pic Swallowing Darkness
by Laurell K. Hamilton
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Dark Fantasy 3 star books
Tandem-by Mike Philbin cover pic Tandem
by Mike Philbin
Reviewed by Bill Johnson
Fantasy 3 star books
Telzey Amberdon-by Jame H. Schmitz cover pic Telzey Amberdon
by Jame H. Schmitz
Reviewed by Richard R. Horton
Science Fiction Anthology 3 star books
Terror in Small Doses-by John Grover cover pic Terror in Small Doses
by John Grover
Reviewed by Benjamin Boulden
Horror 3 star books
The Balance of Power-by Terry Cloutier cover pic The Balance of Power
by Terry Cloutier
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Science Fiction 3 star books
The Best Japanese Science Fiction Stories -edited by John L. Apostolou cover pic The Best Japanese Science Fiction Stories
edited by John L. Apostolou
Reviewed by James Michael White
Science Fiction Anthology 3 star books

You are looking at books rated 3 star books
1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-277