Book Review by Rating : 3 stars

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You are currently viewing books rated 3 star books

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-277
  Book and Author/Editor  Genre Rating
TNG: A Time to Die-by John Vornholt cover pic TNG: A Time to Die
by John Vornholt
Reviewed by Jason Garza
Star Trek 3 star books
TNG: Resistance-by J.M. Dillard cover pic TNG: Resistance
by J.M. Dillard
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 3 star books
TOS: Crucible: Kirk-The Star to Every Wandering-by David R. George cover pic TOS: Crucible: Kirk-The Star to Every Wandering
by David R. George
Reviewed by David Roy
Star Trek 3 star books
TOS: Yesterday's Son-by A. C. Crispin cover pic TOS: Yesterday's Son
by A. C. Crispin
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Star Trek 3 star books
Touching the Flame-by Paul Kane cover pic Touching the Flame
by Paul Kane
Reviewed by James Michael White
Horror Anthology 3 star books
Transforming Realities-by R. L. Copple cover pic Transforming Realities
by R. L. Copple
Reviewed by Lyndon Perry
Fantasy 3 star books
Transition-by Iain M. Banks cover pic Transition
by Iain M. Banks
Reviewed by David L. Felts
Science Fiction 3 star books
Trapped-by Kevin Hearne cover pic Trapped
by Kevin Hearne
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Modern/Urban Fantasy 3 star books
Trolls in the Hamptons-by Celia Jerome cover pic Trolls in the Hamptons
by Celia Jerome
Reviewed by Joshua Palmatier
Modern/Urban Fantasy 3 star books
Trouble in the Forest-by Trystam Kith cover pic Trouble in the Forest
by Trystam Kith
Reviewed by Lynn Nicole Louis
Dark Fantasy 3 star books
Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow-by David Gemmell cover pic Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow
by David Gemmell
Reviewed by Howard von Darkmoor
Alternate History 3 star books
Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird S-by Steve Berman cover pic Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird S
by Steve Berman
Reviewed by James Michael White
Mixed Genre Anthology 3 star books
T'top-by Jeffrey Testin cover pic T'top
by Jeffrey Testin
Reviewed by S. Fazekas
Science Fiction 3 star books
Twilight Zone: The Movie-by Robert Bloch cover pic Twilight Zone: The Movie
by Robert Bloch
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Movie Novelization 3 star books
Undone-by Michael Kimball cover pic Undone
by Michael Kimball
Reviewed by Jeff Edwards
Thriller/Suspense 3 star books
Unearthly Companion-by Ilona Hegedus cover pic Unearthly Companion
by Ilona Hegedus
Reviewed by Phillip A. Ellis
Poetry 3 star books
Unholy Birth-by Andrew Neiderman cover pic Unholy Birth
by Andrew Neiderman
Reviewed by Benjamin Boulden
Horror 3 star books
Until Death Do Impart-by William P. Robertson cover pic Until Death Do Impart
by William P. Robertson
Reviewed by Paul Goat Allen
Audio Book 3 star books
Victory Conditions-by Elizabeth Moon cover pic Victory Conditions
by Elizabeth Moon
Reviewed by SJ Higbee
Science Fiction 3 star books
Villenspell: City of Wizards-by Crystalwizard cover pic Villenspell: City of Wizards
by Crystalwizard
Reviewed by Paul Weiss
Fantasy 3 star books
Volonians-by Christopher F. Edwards, Christopher F. Edwards cover pic Volonians
by Christopher F. Edwards, Christopher F. Edwards
Reviewed by Bill Johnson
Fantasy 3 star books
Voyagers II: The Alien Within-by Ben Bova cover pic Voyagers II: The Alien Within
by Ben Bova
Reviewed by Paul Weiss
Science Fiction 3 star books
War in Heaven-by David Zindell cover pic War in Heaven
by David Zindell
Reviewed by David Hart
Science Fiction 3 star books
When the King Comes Home-by Caroline Stevermer cover pic When the King Comes Home
by Caroline Stevermer
Reviewed by Richard R. Horton
Fantasy 3 star books
Wizards and Wanderers-by Crystalwizard cover pic Wizards and Wanderers
by Crystalwizard
Reviewed by Paul Weiss
Fantasy 3 star books

You are looking at books rated 3 star books
1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-277